Zone Information

A defined zone governs enrolments to Seatoun School. All children living within the zone are entitled to attend the school. Out-of-zone placements can only be made if the Board of Trustees deems that spaces are available. All out-of-zone places are advertised and strict criteria and process is followed for allocation. All Ministry of Education guidelines must be adhered to.

All ‘In-Zone’ families must complete the Enrolment Questionnaire and sign the Address Verification Form upon enrolment. These forms are included in the Information Pack. Documentation showing proof of residence at in-zone address is also required. For further information including a map of the school zone, please refer to our website or contact the school office.

All paperwork should be completed and handed to the school office at the time of your child’s pre-school visits.
To check that your address is in-zone or out-of-zone,  please go to and enter your address.  You may need to ‘slide up’ the nearby schools’ field to view all schools in your area.

Enrolment Scheme Description

Effective from 01 January 2001

The guidelines for development and operation of enrolment schemes are issued under section

11G (3) of the Education Act 1989 for the purpose of describing the basis on which the Secretary’s powers in relation to enrolment schemes will be exercised.

Home Zone

All students who live within the home zone described below shall be eligible to enrol at the school.  Refer to the tki link above for a map.

  • “The area bordered by a line from the coast at Palmer Head along the rear boundaries of properties fronting the western side of Breaker Bay Road to the Pass of Branda, then to the eastern portal of the Seatoun Tunnel.
  • Then to the junction of Seatoun Heights Road and Tio Tio Road, then along the rear boundaries of properties fronting the western side of Seatoun Heights Road (including all properties in Inverell Way) to the junction with Newport Terrace, then eastward to the coast and following the coastline back to the point of commencement”