
We aim to create a cooperative teaching and learning environment that is relevant, purposeful and challenging. We believe students need support to take risks and become independent learners.

We place a strong emphasis on the core areas of literacy and numeracy, but also recognise and value the importance of all the essential learning areas and skills.

We use technology, when it adds value, in creative, engaging and enhancing ways. 

We encourage and recognise effort, progress and achievement and value creativity, innovation and fun. 

Seatoun  School has been one of the few Apple Distinguished Schools in New Zealand since July 2018. They now form part of a world wide network of Apple schools.

Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of innovation, leadership, and educational excellence that use Apple products to inspire creativity, ​ collaboration, and critical thinking. They showcase innovative uses of technology in learning, teaching, and the school environment and have documented results of academic accomplishment.

The selection of Seatoun School as an Apple Distinguished School highlights our success as an innovative and ​compelling learning environment that engages students and provides tangible evidence of academic accomplishment.

Seatoun School is about learning for everyone; children, parents and teachers – learning to know, learning to do, learning to live and learning to be. We aim to accomplish the primary goal of education – engendering a love of learning, a desire to learn, a capability and confidence to learn, and developing well-rounded caring individuals.

We provide a comprehensive and modern curriculum that has a sound foundation in literacy and numeracy, has a wide variety of enrichment programmes and includes the arts, STEM subjects, and an effective home learning programme. We creatively use technology in highly engaging ways. We have a high-quality eLearning environment, with a graduated approach to the integration of technology.


The SAMR Taxonomy underpins our use of technology.  This is a framework developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura that identifies four degrees of technology integration for instruction. SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.  Learn more about SAMR here.

Select one of the below areas for more information about elements of our eLearning Programme.

e-Learning Safety
Our Apps