Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori takes place this year between 4 – 10 July and is a special week which provides an opportunity to celebrate and learn te Reo Māori, helping to secure its future as a living, dynamic, and rich language.
It will show New Zealand that there is a place for the Māori language in our stadiums, on our sports fields, in the news and the ever growing realm of social media.
It will also show the country that te reo Māori is a language for all New Zealanders.
The kaupapa for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2016 ‘Ākina to reo’ meaning ‘behind you all the way’ which is about using te reo Māori to support, to inspire and to cheer people on.
The theme for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2016 is Ākina te Reo – but what does that mean?
Ākina te Reo is about encouraging people to use te reo Māori to show support – support for the reo, supporting each other to give it a go, and acknowledging the courage it takes to try something new.
This theme was inspired by the sporting culture of Aoteroa and our up-coming participation in the 2016 Rio Olympics.
But that’s not all it’s about – the 52 phrases for the year, released by the Māori Language Commission can be used at home, at work, or any other place you want to tautoko your friends and family.
So Ākina Te Reo – give it a go!!!
John Western